Tuesday, February 1, 2011


One of the reasons YOU, my beloved reader, are able to read this, is not purely because of Choice, was it?It was more a series of actions, which when contemplated upon, occurred due to subjects concerned with the Image for the post, National Strategic Alliance(ask citizens of countries where there is no Blogger!), to as fickle as it may be, your mood on a tuesday morning! So, for reasons less thought into, authors, with caliber many times mine, are unable to even reach you, forget 'appeal' to you. Not to suggest for a moment that YOU did not choose to read this, but there may be a little more to it. Mentioned above was "National Strategic Alliances"! Anything to do with Nations, we almost subconsciously get attached(My Un-Nationalized, of De-Nationalized friends are an exception, but more on that some other time!)India has been subject to this Cross Global Influence more than any country on the planet(The US aside,perhaps).With some college punks in remote areas in Chennai, trying to look like 50 Cent, to Pseudo Corporate SHAMS, choking in a blazer in the next lane, trying to close a deal on "How much Manpower resources can be sourced to IBUM to help unemploy their own fellow Nationals!" To the poor college graduate, blue eyed about getting Sodexo cards in his MNCs "F.R.I.E.N.D.S" styled cafeteria,already believing that HE is the Company, when his pink slip is even above the To Do list, in his Firang Employers desk drawer ! As a post script, the following line, encouraging them to keep their status quo...
“… being an entrepreneur is very unsexy. Long hours. Time away from family. Low salary. High risk. High stress. It only looks sexy when you read TechCrunch. There is no shame in being an exec at a company or whatever.”-Mark Suster on TechCrunch

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